The Raindrop


The raindrop is a game that utilises microphone controls and the 3 phases of matter; water, ice and gas to create a unique vocal puzzle solving experience. Play as Poseidon and use voice commands to control the water droplet into various forms of matters, and reach Athena’s Garden.


Game Designer
2D Artist


Hongke Luo - Programmer & Level Design


Dec 2021 &
Sept 2023 - Present


PC Only / Steam


This game was initially a 3-week student prototype for a class called Major Studio Fall that I had taken in 2021. However recently, me and my project partner have decided to pick up the project again and continue polishing the game and developing more levels as we believe it has the potential to be a fun and unique platform game. We are currently working on new levels, improving code, adding new art assets and improving overall gameplay.

  • Reading level block-outs and creating a unique themed art experience based on the mechanics and theme of each level

  • Designed the main mechanics where players can transform between the three states of matter ー ice, water, and steam.

  • Prototyped and created the initial concept in 3 weeks. We were inspired by a one-week prototype one of our classmates had made. The prototype featured a water droplet that players had to use the pitch of their voice to direct the water into the flower.

  • Drew all animations, background art, and character assets for the game.

  • Implemented animations and art assets into the game using Unity’s built-in Animation timeline and systems.

  • Managed our git repository and solved any git merging issues, or conflicts.

Original Prototype

The original prototype consisted of just one level and allowed the player to freely transform between the three states of matter, ice, water and vapour through voice commands. You can view samples of the three mechanics in action below.

  • Water ー The droplet’s original form. It allows players to squeeze through tight spaces and move easily on the ground.

  • Ice ー Its hard surface allows players to press buttons, open doors and break through objects due to its weight. (We know that changing water into ice doesn’t change its weight but let’s ignore that for now shhh)

  • Vapour ー Allows the water to fly freely. By joining forces with existing clouds, it can create rain clouds used to solve complex puzzles.

  • Medusa ー In Greek literature, looking into Medusa’s eyes would turn the innocent on-looker into stone. In our version, it’s ice!




As my project partner, Hongke and I have been working together to design games for over four years together, we’ve grown accustomed to each other’s working styles and have made and optimised our workflow. The artwork for each level was done in about the span of a week.

I received the level blockout, level design and stage mechanics and analysed the structure.

Stage Design

I trace the level blockout and determine where to make stylistic changes and incorporate elements of the theme of the level or level mechanics.

I use the tracing as a means to determine where the boundaries and shapes for assets should be to match the block out to avoid re-doing the level design.

To maintain the high quality of each asset, I disassemble them into individual pieces but keep their shapes the same ratio as in the tracing, process and use it as a basis to estimate their size in the final game to ensure all assets are roughly the same or intended size when implemented. My intention was to create asses that would fit the Greek theme but be unique to each level without interrupting the level design.

Another challenge I faced was making assets reusable. Previously I had lots of issues creating assets that could be used in multiple places, but I learned by using simple shapes and learned to treat each piece as parts of an infinite puzzle rather than a normal jigsaw puzzle. Above you can also see some examples of how I was trying to use deconstruct larger pieces like the towers into smaller pieces to be more customisable for any situation or puzzle.